Total 01/04/2025 : We HAVE 11318 Items and more than 3524 happy members.
Log Update Item Modal Survey - WordPress Poll, Survey & Quiz Plugin
This page only show history update item Modal Survey - WordPress Poll, Survey & Quiz Plugin.

- added option to show the survey as likert scale style

- automatically removing spaces from email address on the participants form

fixed session issue when all questions displayed and embed

- fixed Logged in only bug on saved survey screen

- minor bug fixes on PHP8

- fixed JS issue when using the back button in specific cases

- added option to get the completion date and time by plain text format for certificates with the survey_records shortcodes:

[survey_records id="1805811991" data="datetime"]

- fixed JS conflict issue on some pages

- added option to use the qid parameter in list results ( eg.: displaying the selected answer in the first question only ), like: [survey_answers id="12345" style="plain" qid="1" data="full" uid="true" session="last"]

- fixed minor bugs

- fixed horizontalbarchart bug with max parameter

- added date range filter to the Participants Page