Fixed bug with defer term counting which was preventing new menu items being added to brand new menus
Previous fix confirmed - updated settings page to instruct users to add define('SPRO_FIX_WOO_ONBOARDING', true); to wp-config.php if they wish to test this option
* Further upgrade for Remove Sort Order - it now defaults to only removing sort order from the Product Query since typically you want the latest posts to arrive
- to override this, if you wish, please copy the define('SPRO_REMOVE_SORT_ORDER_POST_TYPES', array('product', array('product', 'product_variation'))); from the defines.php file to your wp-config.php file and add extra post types to the array as you wish
* Fixed broken index count - index was being created, but was not being counted because of UNIQUE constraint on wp_options (option_name)
* Added new feature from @ifrountas request to ajaxify the attributes/taxonomies on post.php and post-new.php
- this means if you have 30,000 terms in your taxonomies (e.g. authors, artists) then edit your posts will no longer be slowed down by this unwieldy select box