Total 16/12/2024 : We HAVE 10674 Items and more than 3409 happy members.
Log Update Item WooCommerce Memberships
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Memberships.

* Dev - Adds a filter to help third party code handle product discounts when a product is on sale

* Fix - When using the `wcm_product_discount` shortcode, ensure that the percentage discount amount is not miscalculated while a member is logged in

* Tweak - Pass the full product instance to `wc_memberships_exclude_product_from_member_discounts` filter instead of product ID when checking cart item member discounts

* Fix - Update usage of deprecated `block_categories` filter to address notices since WP 5.8

* Tweak - Strip HTML tags in product names dropdown in plan access settings

* Fix - Admins updating an order that triggers Sensei auto-enrollment to courses shouldn't be redirected to the posts edit screen

* Dev - Add filter hook to toggle duplicating a product's memberships data when cloning products

* Fix - Address an issue with plans with fixed dates and some timezone configurations

* Misc - Drop the `woo-includes` folder and move plugin classes from `includes` to `src` folder