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Log Update Item WPEverest User Registration Pro
This page only show history update item WPEverest User Registration Pro.

* Feature  - Combine two login option.

* Dev      - Introduce hooks for save button in myaccount.

* Tweak    - Common conditional logic design.

* Fix      - Security and escaping issues.

* Fix      - Cannot unhide labels.

* Fix      - Profile picture remove, update and save on the edit profile page.

* Fix      - File upload data not updated in profile details changed email.

* Feature  - Populate form field via query string

* Dev      - Hooks for custom advance setting.

* Enhance  - Extension page design and addons installation.

* Enhance  - Size limit on profile picture field in edit profile page.

* Tweak    - Images/JSON files locally added.

* Fix      - Sanitization and escaping issues.

* Fix      - Resend verification not working when ajax login is enabled.

Product Added to the system.