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Log Update Item Easy Forms: Advanced Form Builder and Manager
This page only show history update item Easy Forms: Advanced Form Builder and Manager.

- Added: SendGrid integration

- Added: Form Settings: Disable form after a number of submissions

- Added: Stored Signature URL in CSV/MS Excel exports

- Added: Search/Filter Submissions with status:confirmed (by double opt-in)

- Added: Dynamic Content. New filter: "locale" to display a date in different languages

- Added: Rule Builder: Date Based Conditional Logic

- Added: Select Multiple Events in Notification Settings

- Added: Event Helper: Adds Stripe Payment Received event

- Added: Allow to add-ons the option to add information to Dynamic Content

- Added: REST Api: Adds Hash ID to Submissions resource

- Improved: Notification Settings: Improves CC and BCC fields

- Improved: DB performance generating the submission number

- Improved: Form Builder: List of Google Fonts

- Improved: Mail Helper compatible with SMTP Add-On

- Fixed: Copy Form with Add-Ons

- Fixed: Signature image in default email message

- Fixed: Prevent empty Sender Name in Email Notifications

- Fixed: Dynamic Content: Date filter and empty values

- Fixed: UI Widgets: Flatpickr.js integration to create a Time picker

Product Added to the system.