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Log Update Item WooInstant - WooCommerce Instant / Quick / Onepage / Direct Checkout
This page only show history update item WooInstant - WooCommerce Instant / Quick / Onepage / Direct Checkout.

Fix: Composer packages & language

– Added: In the mobile version hide the mobile bar if no items are in the cart (Pro)

– Added: Translation files: Arabic, Bengali, Deutsch, Espa�ol, Fran�ais, Hindi, Italiano, Dutch, Russian, Chinese

– Added: Some new WP filters

– Fixed: Scroll freezes after empty cart items.

– Fixed: “Thank you” page loads in the iframe layout (Pro)

– Fixed: Option for layout width (Pro)

– Improved: Backend option panel

– Improved: Conditional check, error check

– Added: Auto Open Popup when an item is added to the cart

– Fixed: (PHP) In smartphone toggler doesn't show up

– Fixed: (CSS) Opening/closing causes the fixed element to jump

– Fixed: Some JavaScript bugs

– Improved: JavaScript codes

– Updated: WooCommerce 6.1.0 Compatibility Check

– Introduced: Brand new options panel. Lightweight & faster!

– Added: Cart fly animation enable/disable option

– Fixed: Some bugs

– Improved: Checkout System, Faster and less loading time (Pro)

Product Added to the system.