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Log Update Item Ohio - Creative Portfolio & Agency WordPress Theme
This page only show history update item Ohio - Creative Portfolio & Agency WordPress Theme.

### Fixed

- Minor style fixes and improvements;

- Custom selects dark mode issue fixed;

- Single post share bar dark mode issue fixed;

- Blog page template sticky post output issue fixed;

### Added

- WordPress 6.1 compatibility added;

- WooCommerce 7.0.1 compatibility added;

### Updated

- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.7 version;

### Fixed

- Minor style fixes and improvements;

- Minimal product archive layout add to cart issue fixed;

### Added

- Image transition portfolio hover effect added;

- Option to set a featured video cover for single projects added;

- Option to fit a featured video cover for single projects added;

- WooCommerce 7.0 compatibility added;

### Updated

- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.6 version;

- Main language file ohio.pot updated;

### Fixed

- Minor style fixes and improvements;

- RTL row stretching issue fixed;

### Added

- Option to add a custom content to the mobile menu overlay added;

- Option to set a video start time for YouTube/Vimeo players in a single project;

- Option to set an autoplay mode for YouTube/Vimeo players in a single project;

- Option to set a muted mode for YouTube/Vimeo players in a single project;

- Option to show/hide controls for YouTube/Vimeo players in a single project;

- Option to show/hide title for Vimeo player in a single project;

- Option to show/hide author for Vimeo player in a single project;

- WooCommerce 6.9 compatibility added;

- ACF Pro 6.0 styles issue fixed;

### Updated

- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.4 version;

- Ohio Importer plugin to the 1.2.3 version;

### Fixed

- Minor style fixes and improvements;

- Shop archive layout theme settings defaults issue fixed;

- Related products wrapper classes issue fixed;

### Added

- Option to show/hide product rating on an archive page;

- Classic archive product layout added;

- Image transition product hover effect added;

### Updated

- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.3 version;

- Main language file ohio.pot updated;

### Fixed

- Minor style fixes and improvements;

- Footer copyright bar typography options issue fixed;

- Portfolio Next/Prev permalinks issue fixed;

- Global portfolio category visibility option issue fixed;

### Added

- Option to show/hide scroll to top anchor on tablets;

- Option to show/hide social networks on tablets;

- Option to set footer logo height;

- Option to set a muted mode for Vimeo player;

- Option to show/hide author for Vimeo player;

- Option to show/hide title for Vimeo player;

- Option to show/hide controls for YouTube/Vimeo players;

- Option to set a video start time for YouTube/Vimeo players;

- WooCommerce Product Recommendations compatibility added;

- WooCommerce 6.8 compatibility added;

- WPML config for Ohio Extra plugin added;

- WPML config for Ohio Portfolio plugin added;

- WPML config for Ohio theme added;

### Updated

- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.1 version;

- Ohio Portfolio plugin to the 1.1.2 version;

- Main language file ohio.pot updated;

### Fixed

- Minor style fixes and improvements;

- Select dropdown color in the dark mode (Firefox only) issue fixed;

### Added

- WebP image format compatibility;

- Local page option to set a hamburger menu position;

- Option to enable/disable round buttons animation effect;

- Option to show/hide cart icon when it's empty;

- Option to set custom sticky logo dark mode variant;

- Option to set sticky logo height;

### Updated

- Google Fonts list updated;

- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.1.0 version;

- Main language file ohio.pot updated;

### Fixed

- Minor style fixes and improvements;

- Notification option to enable/disable link opening in a new tab issue fixed;

### Added

- Option to set notification button color;

- Option to set notification link typography;

- Option to set social networks color in the coming soon mode;

- Option to set subscribe popup form details typography;

- Option to set subscribe popup close link typography;

### Updated

- Ohio Extra plugin to the 3.0.9 version;

- Main language file ohio.pot updated;