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Log Update Item Custom User Registration Fields for WooCommerce
This page only show history update item Custom User Registration Fields for WooCommerce.

* Update - Compatible with WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS).
* Fix - Fixed products and pages preview issue (error code 400) in admin panel.

Fixed typos.

* Fixed issue with the display value of user role in my account page.

* Fixed issue with the template override in emails.

Fixed emails issue with WooCommerce 6.0.

Fixed bug with state label on my-account page.

* Fixed uploaded file access issue.

* Fixed PHP error issue in admin all users listing page.

* Fixed Email not sent issue to admin when recipient email address is changed from WooCommerce settings.

* Add feature to update role in my account.

* Added email notification for admin to receive alert when a user update custom fields data from their My Account page

* Email templates in WooCommerce Email settings.

* Ability to link in checkbox field description.

* Add heading field.

* Option to show/hide field in my account page

* Option to show/hide field in registration form.

* Ability to approve user from admin panel with email notification

* Saved uploaded files outside the extension folder.

* Do not display user status if pending approval option is turned off from extension settings.

* Add a description/message field with ability to include anchor link.

Product Added to the system.