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Log Update Item Master Addons - Forefront Addons for Elementor
This page only show history update item Master Addons - Forefront Addons for Elementor.

* Fixed: "Advanced Image" addon - Image alighment & Preload image issue fixed.

* Fixed: "Gallery Slider" addon - Thumbnail click issue fixed.

* Fixed: "Navigation Menu" addon - dropdown indicator, submenu indicator, indicator hover animation & Gap between issue fixed.

* Fixed: "Counter Up" addon -  suffix, prefix & image display issue fixed.

* New: New "Creative Button" addon - added a new button style.

* Updated: "Team Slider" addon - added Socials network Icons - Tiktok, Youtube & Email etc

* Fixed: PHP Fatal erorr fixed.

* Fixed: "Welcome Screen" php undefined issue fixed

* Fixed: "Background Slider" extension - overlay issue fixed

* Fixed: "Swiper Slider" addon - Arrow offset issue fixed

* Fixed: Whole plugin text-domain updated for translation

* Fixed: "Info box" addon - css issue fixed

* Fixed: "MA Timeline" addon - php 8.0 issue fixed

* Fixed: "Entrance Animation" extension - not working (frontend) issue fixed

* Fixed: "Gallery Slider" addon - Thumbnail carousel display issue fixed

* Fixed: "Filterable Image Gallery" addon - massonry issue fixed.

* Fixed: "Creative Button" addon - Elevation button style issue

* Fixed: PHP Warning undefined index issue fixed on white label

* Fixed: Fixed typo on white label

* Fixed: PHP undefined array key issue fixed

* New: New Addon "Logo Slider" Released

* New: Added white label settings to remove MA Placeholder image

* Removed: Timeline - Post Timeline "Date Source" removed

* Added: Timeline - Added Custom Label field to Custom Vertical Timeline.

* Fixed: "Info Box" All style presets image show/alignment issue fixed.

* Fixed: "Blog Posts" addon's List Layout Type > List Blur Content issue fixed.

* Fixed: "Team Slider" Content Drawer style not working issue fixed, Social Left on Hover icon design improved, Image border settings control added & Spacing control added for name,designation, dimension.

* Fixed: "Nav Menu" sub menu broken issue fixed on mobile.

* Fixed: "Logo Slider" Slides Per Column settings field added to contorl number of images to show in the slider.

* Fixed: "Creative Button" -Effect: Ujarak hover color issue fixed.

* Fixed: White Label bugs for Welcome Tab issue fixed

* Updated: Flipbox updated with undefined variable issue

* Updated: Team Slider updated with undefined variables

* Updated: Sanitization, Escape & Validation issues fixed

* Updated: Template Library not working issue fixed

* Fixed: Pricing Table button not showing issue fixed

* Fixed: Comments addon not showing on Addons list issue fixed

* Dependency: Elementor Custom Breakpoints plugin updated with latest Elementor Support

* Tweak: Removed `Elementor\Scheme_Typography` deprecated function and updated with `Elementor\Core\Schemes\Typography`

* Tweak: Removed `Elementor\Core\Schemes\Color` deprecated function and updated with `Elementor\Core\Schemes\Color`

* Update: MA Toggle Content - Label field cann't change issue fixed, fixed Icon picker issue also.

* Dependency: Stratus Theme supports given

* Fixed: Display Conditions not working issue fixed

* Fixed: Image filter gallery Image source not getting issue fixed

Product Added to the system.