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Log Update Item Advanced Ads Pro
This page only show history update item Advanced Ads Pro.

- Improvement: disable cache-busting for Custom Position placements with static ads

- Fix: prevent encoding of cookie values and regular expressions for cookie visitor conditions

- Feature: add the "post content" display condition

- Improvement: update German and Arabic translations

- Fix: reset page impressions number when the cookie that stores it expires

- Feature: add GamiPress visitor conditions based on achievements, ranks, and points

- Improvement: add mobile click detection on Auto Ads to the Click fraud protection

- Fix: ensure compatibility with the Flex Mag theme when a custom position placement is used

- Fix: resolve a JS error on the ad edit pages when cache busting is enabled

- Fix: sanitize and verify additional user roles before saving

- Fix: show ads that do not use cache busting in "Ads" menu

- Fix: make it possible to use the Group Refresh feature without placements

- Fix: decode ads for TCF if cache busting is not enabled

Fix: resolve a bug that prevents BuddyPress and bbPress modules from working

- Improvement: prevent issues with functionality from other plugins that delay JavaScript execution (WP Rocket, Complianz, et al.).

- Improvement: unify the layout of the Next buttons in the ad Wizard

- Improvement: add the updated AdSense code. Added a filter to continue using the old AdSense code. [Learn more](

- Improvement: update Ad Block Counter to work with Google Analytics 4 properties

- Fix: ensure Ad Admin can save AdSense, Privacy, and License settings

- Fix: prevent error when "Remove data on uninstall" option is set due to uninitialised constants

- Fix: ad edit button for ads delivered using groups

- Fix: improve compatibility with PHP 8 by removing default values from required function parameters

Product Added to the system.