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Log Update Item Woocommerce Buy One Get One Free
This page only show history update item Woocommerce Buy One Get One Free.

* Fixed: Compatibility issue with "WooCommerce Smart Coupons".

* Added: Compatible with Composite Products!

* Added: Display a validation alert when the coupon only gives access to a BOGO promo and does not apply to the products in the cart.

* Fixed: Subtotal calculation includes the "Gifts" amount.

* Fixed: The "Get the cheapest product for free" promotion type includes the product with zero price.

* Added: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.9+.

* Added: New filter "wc_bogof_init_cart_item_discount"

* Fixed: "Product Bundles" compatibility - Discount does not include the "Price individually" bundle items.

* Added: Compatible WooCommerce 6.8+.

* Added: Support for the "Order again" option.

* Fixed: The "Radio" type options of the BOGO promotions are not saved.

* Fixed: Product Bundles compatibility - "Gifts" are not added to the cart after adding a second bundle with different quantities.

* Fixed: PHP warning\error "Unparenthesized is not supported".

* Fixed: AJAX validation of the promotion edit fails when the attributes slug contains symbol chars.

Fixed: Discount is not applied when the "Smart Coupons by by StoreApps" plugin is active.

* Added: Compatible WooCommerce 6.7+.

* Added: "All Products For Subscriptions" compatibility - New condition to apply the promotion to only "one-time purchase."

* Tweak: Add the promotion title to the order item metadata.