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Log Update Item Listar - WordPress Directory and Listing Theme
This page only show history update item Listar - WordPress Directory and Listing Theme.

Added : Link (URL) field for Pricing Menu items.

Added : Theme Options to set the initial zoom level for maps.

Added : Theme option to control if the first accordion section of a single listing content must be pre-opened by default.

Added : Page Option to set the minimum screen width for front page hero video.

Fixed : Issue with Google Social Login. Requires manual plugin update: upload/unzip the Listar Social Login plugin to "wp-content/plugins/" folder.

Fixed : Counter issue for listing terms (regions, categories, amenities).

> Added : Hero video for front page header. Accepts Youtube, Vimeo and .MP4 link.

> Added : Setting fields to front end page: set the start and end time for the hero video.

> Added : 08 new theme options to configure the listing search.

> Fixed : Flickering issue with main menu drop down.

> Improved : Listing search algorithm and search queries for better performance.

Added : New theme options to customize listing permalinks (SEO): Modify the "listing" slug and append the category, region and listing ID to the listing URL.

Added : New social networks for listings (Twitch, Tiktok and Snapchat)

Fixed : Issue with AJAX search for listings.

Fixed : Issue with User Registration email notifications.

Fixed : Issue with Classic Editor plugin and custom listing package features.

Fixed : Missing term image when "quick editing" listing categories/regions/amenities.

Improved: Geolocation button for listing cards.