Total 26/03/2025 : We HAVE 11277 Items and more than 3513 happy members.
Log Update Item Donation For WooCommerce
This page only show history update item Donation For WooCommerce.

* ADDED - Display goal on shop page.

* ADDED - Display goal on widgets.

* ADDED - Donation goal reset.

* ADDED - Donation Summary widget & shortcode.

* ADDED - Create filter to change pdf header bg color and text color.

* ADDED - Add actions to add text in pdf reports.

* ADDED - Add actions to add labels to recurring fields.

* IMPROVEMENT - Made editable templates for pdf reports and email reports.

* ADDED - button to synchronize redundant data.

* FIXED - Memory leak on new order creation.

* IMPROVED - If reports.csv missing, it will create a new file on server.

* IMPROVED - Query optimization for donation count.

* FIXED - CSS issue for donation amount fixed on order page.

* FIXED - Optimized query for donation counts on all campaigns.

* FIXED - Month Filter hide from all other post types.

* FIXED - place_order on checkout button query is conflict with my account page is fixed now.

* ADDED - Compatible with Multisite.

* ADDED - Gift Aid.

* ADDED - Tributes.

* ADDED - WC Donation Reports.

* ADDED - WC Donation Reports Exports via CSV & PDF.

* ADDED - Send Donation Receipt as Email on each donation.

* ADDED - User can see their donation on frontend and export the donation via CSV & PDF By using shortcode [donation_reports].

* FIXED - Translation for interval, period, length for recurring donation (WOOC-444).

* FIXED - Donation Goal field change to number type and frontend will show with proper number format.

* FIXED - Empty Goal amount field shows warning on frontend.

* IMPROVED - Donation causes dropdown style.

* FIXED - Donation causes not showing on custom value donation type.

* FIXED - SelectWoo error in JS