This page only show history update item EduMall - Professional LMS Education Center WordPress Theme.
- Updated:
Tested up with Tutor LMS 2.1.1
- Fixed:
dashboard my course price.
Tested up with Elementor 3.7.7
Tested up with Woocommerce 6.9.3
- Fixed:
minor style.
- Updated:
add pagination for dashboard my courses.
- Fixed:
dashboard my courses delete action not working
dashboard my courses responsive
single quiz responsive
- Updated:
Insight Core plugin - v.2.4.6
Tutor LMS plugin - v.2.0.6
Revolution Slider plugin - v.6.5.24
- Fixed:
Dashboard analytics style
Question not saved in Tutor 2.0.6
- Fixed:
Create course layout
elementor widget Form
- Fixed:
Archive Course Top Filter Bar not showing.
Lesson Sidebar toggle.