Total 31/03/2025 : We HAVE 11318 Items and more than 3523 happy members.
Log Update Item WooCommerce Integration for MEC
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Integration for MEC.

- Fixed: Display attached files

- Fixed: Issue in Events Confirmation email translation

- Fixed: Issue adding the same tickets to cart twice

- Fixed: Some minor issues

- Fixed: Calculate tax in Invoice

- Fixed: Calculate price after using discount code

- Fixed: Some minor issues

Fixed: Activation section in backend

- Fixed: Variations per ticket

- Fixed: Total attedees

Fixed: Error in booking

- Fixed: Product Category

- Fixed: Total user booking limit

- Improved: ticket product added for translation in wpml

- Fixed: redirect to index after add to cart

- Fixed: add incomplete products to cart

- Fixed: removed add to cart notices

- Fixed: Some minor issues

- Added: Show the ticket time on the cart page

- Added: An option to set the action after adding to the cart