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Log Update Item Tutor LMS Pro
This page only show history update item Tutor LMS Pro.

New: Review counts (given and received) in the dashboard review section's tabs

New: Approval email notification to instructors for their submitted courses

New: Auto-enrollment after registering from the "Enroll Now" button

New: Enrolled course count in a separate column in the Student's list

Fix: Shortcode to show instructor list not working issue

Fix: PHP error generating from undefined variable $default

Fix: Assignment of duplicate courses redirecting to the original course assignment issue

Fix: Showing same levels multiple times in single course page for Paid Membership Pro addon

Fix: Countdown timer translation issue for Zoom meetings

Fix: Expired values showing up as pagination values for the Zoom meeting list

Fix: Font spacing and custom font issue for generated Tutor certificates on chrome browser.

Fix: Removing or clicking a product from the cart, took users to the WooCommerce shop instead of the course page

Fix: "Start Quiz" button now disabled after once clicked

Fix: Full site membership for Paid Membership Pro does not implement on uncategorized courses

New: Filters for instructor list in the backend dashboard

New: Previous button for a single quiz (default enabled from settings)

New: Pop up for review after course completion

Update: "Add Option" button for the "True/False" quiz is disabled by default

Update: Redundant demo link for quizzes are removed 

Update: Improved loading icon while generating a certificate

Update: New "Go home" button added for "Access Denied Page" when registration is disabled

Update: Zoom API key check and save actions combined

Update: Meeting host dropdown disabled

Fix: Course topic title and description editing issue

Fix: Duplicate order statements in earning section of instructor profile

Fix: Date Formats of Tutor LMS were not matched with the set WordPress date format

Fix: Translations issues for several internal texts

Fix: PHP error for content drip addon while trying to fetch property post_type of non-object

Fix: Header footer shown twice while using Oxygen Tutor LMS integration

New: Popup alert message when students abandon a quiz

New: Popup alert message when admin/instructor tries to delete an enrolment

Update: Set WooCommerce product as sold individually when created automatically from frontend course builder

Update: Enrolment required page design update

Update: Notification design update for when WordPress registration is disabled

Fix: Course retake button appears even if disabled from dashboard

Fix: Pagination not appearing in quiz attempt

Fix: Matching quiz layout CSS issue for long text

Fix: Student can submit the quiz even after time limit is expired

Fix: Email event list checkboxes not showing in dashboard if WPML add-on enabled

Fix: Course progress not deleting when enrolment is deleted

Fix: Quiz not showing immediately after creating in course builder

Fix: Lesson count shows 0 in enrolled courses on the frontend dashboard

Fix: XSS vulnerability in student list in the dashboard

Fix: The option “When time expires” fixed in Quiz settings

New: WPML compatibility addon

New: Course retake feature

New: Quiz attempt filter in backend dashboard

Update: Paid Membership Pro Integration architecture

Fix: Assignment attachment not deleting from server when assignment is deleted

  • New: Zoom added to the Frontend dashboard
  • New: Field to add Course Tags in Frontend course builder
  • Update: Design update in Zoom backend dashboard
  • Fix: Lesson video duration were not fetched for autofill URL
  • Fix: Deprecated warnings in PHP 8