* Update: Added last_article_date to publishpress_authors_list shortcode [publishpress_authors_list last_article_date="1 year ago"]
* Update: Allow to set Author Boxes previewing authors, #913
* Update: Added group by field name to authors_index [publishpress_authors_list layout="authors_index" group_by="last_name"], #977
* Update: Allow Author list to have 2 columns for custom layout [publishpress_authors_list layout="boxed" layout_columns="2"], #996
* Fixed: Issue with Translatepress + WPUlike, #962
* Update: Make new "Boxed" the default layout, #980
* Fixed: Authors causing custom post type and taxonomy archives SEO title to be untitled, #1013
* Fixed: Authors_Iterator call in Author_box.php assumes that $post global is populated (which it isn't sometimes) #999
* Update: Change author 'Name' label to 'Display Name', #991
* Update: Remove the "All dates" feature in Author Boxes, #990
* Fixed: An incongruence in the line 170 between singular and plural, #982
* Update: Change name of Settings to PublishPress Authors, #981
* Fixed: Documentation link missing for Author boxes generate template, #978
* Update: Authors_ES-IT_Translation_Update-19-October 2022, #979
* Update: FRENCH_Translation Update_Authors 20 October2022, #984
* Update: Upgrade twig to v1.44.7, #921
* Update: Update minimum php requirement to PHP 7.2.5
* Update: Added avatar to publishpress_authors_data shortcode [publishpress_authors_data field="avatar"] #887
* Update: Added settings to disable mapped user check when creating author, #885
* Update: Added First Name to Authors REST API data #877
* Update: Added Last Name to Authors REST API data #877
* Update: Added User Biography to Authors REST API data #877
* Update: Added Custom fields to Authors REST API data #877
* Update: Authors_ES_FR_IT_Translations_August17-2022, #876
Fixed: Empty author result when using [publishpress_authors_list] shortcode, #878
* Update: Improved REST API support, #509
* Feature: Add profile field sorting options to the Authors List (first_name last_name custom_field_slug), #257
* Update: Add shortcode to display specific authors using [publishpress_authors_data term_id="102"], #556
* Update: Allow user to change author pages headers (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6), #832
* Update: Allow users to disable the title for Authors Pages, #833
* Update: Improve design for layout shortcodes, #844
* Update: Add avatar_url to Post Author REST API, #837
* Fixed: Double widget header title div for authors list widget, #852
* Fixed: New taxonomy box showing for Authors, #866
* Fixed: Issue with Easy Digital Download and Authors installed together, #865
* Fixed: Double submit button in php 8.1.6 author screen, #861
* Fixed: SEO Framework plugin integration errors, #709
* Fixed: Broken closing div in author page, #841
* Update: Authors-ES-FR-IT- Translation-Update-August2022, #847
* Feature: Added 'search_box' option to authors shortcode and widget, #780
* Feature: Added 'search_field' option to authors shortcode and widget, #780
* Feature: Added pagination and Search to all defaults layout, #819
* Feature: Added search box and search field option to authors list widget #822
* Fixed: Conflict with PublishPress Calendar, #818
* Update: Allow users to edit "Authors Recent", "Authors Index" and default layouts, #801
* Update default layout in authors pro, #820
* Update: ES-FR-IT translation updates, #804