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Log Update Item Rank Math PRO - Best WordPress SEO Plugin
This page only show history update item Rank Math PRO - Best WordPress SEO Plugin.

Fixed: Some of the Schema types were missing in the SEO tab of Elementor Editor

Fixed: “Upgrade to PRO” notice was showing on some setups after updating the plugin

Improved: Behavior of the Graph in the Rank Tracker

Improved: Added a dropdown to select a timeframe in the Rank Tracker

Fixed: SEO fields were missing from the Quick edit screen

Fixed: Bulk edit was throwing a fatal error

Fixed: data-schema-attribute was added to all the Classic Editor links even if about & mentions Schema option were not selected in the link popup

Fixed: Trends tool was not working on the Taxonomy & User profile pages

Fixed: Taxonomy & User Profile pages were showing the upgrade to PRO notice even when Rank Math PRO was active

Fixed: Even when the score of the PageSpeed was 100, the value was turning red as if it were a bad score

Improved: Replaced AdSense API v1.4 with v2.0

Improved: Labels on RM Locations Post Type

Improved: RM Locations & Schema templates will appear in the menu only when users have the rank_math_general capability

Improved: PRO plugin update button will now show only when an update of the free version is not available. It is always recommended to update the free version before the PRO version

Fixed: On RTL websites, the Add Keyword button was covering the keywords partially on the Rank Tracker page

Fixed: Trends data was not loading when there were more than 5 keywords

Fixed: Some CDATA was wrongly added in the page source on the frontend

Fixed: Pages created using the Divi builder was showing error on the frontend

Fixed: SEO data was not updating on some setups on taxonomy pages when Auto-Detect Video option was enabled

Fixed: Keywords added using the Keyword Tracker will now show in Rank Tracker instantly without needing to reload the page

Fixed: Bulk Editing was not showing all the SEO fields when multiple posts were selected

Fixed: Trends tool kept on showing Loading text for rare keywords with no popularity

Fixed: The isPartOf property added using Custom schema generator was getting removed from the Dataset schema

Fixed: Import schema using JSON code was not working when the imported schema had @type Service in the array

Fixed: Some values were getting removed from the imported schema data

Fixed: Adding Schema of the same type in the Schema Generator was not working

Fixed: Display condition to Include/Exclude Schema templates on the ‘Entire Site’ was not working

Added: Option to Auto-Add Focus Keywords in the Rank Tracker

Added: Spain to the list of available countries in the Analytics Data Import Option

Added: New variable randomword_np to show a non-persistent random word on each page load

Fixed: Import Meta Data using CSV option was showing error on some setup

Fixed: Page was not updating in Divi Page Builder when Auto-Detect Video option was enabled

Fixed: Typo in the Dataset Schema field