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Log Update Item WooCommerce Reward Points
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Reward Points.

- NEW: Export & Import user points

- NEW: Max redemption points per Level based on Amount or Percentage

- NEW: Added variable: pointRedemptionMax

- FIX: My Points not working when user roles exlcuded

- FIX: Recommended order only grant points on order status set in backend

- NEW: Shortcode for the use points for product form


- NEW: Added support for external Payment gateways deducting / reedming points

- FIX: Custom text shortcode not working

- FIX: Points label not showing in my points history table

- FIX: Multi curency JS error

- FIX: Shortcode woocommerce_reward_points_text not working

- FIX: Multiple Expiry Mails sent out

- FIX: Updated Translation files

- NEW: Round down redemption discount

- NEW: Update checkout texts on redemption button click

- NEW: Exclude logged out users

- FIX: Custom variation points not shown in frontend

- FIX: PointsEarnPurchaseValue fixed

- FIX: German PO Translation file caused error on checkout

- FIX: User keeps level reached not working

- NEW: Points for every recommended order

- NEW: Backend panel speed increase

- FIX: Variations not loaded when product earning disabled

- FIX: Level unlocked Popup showed even though levelling was disabled

- FIX: Variation level discount not showing

- NEW: Remove Points Link

- NEW: Change user role once a level is reached

- NEW: Levels now own section in backend

- NEW: Multi currency support fixed

Points will always stay the same on ALL currencies

Conversion / value will respect the currency conversion rates

- FIX: Mini Cart Support for Products for Points showing wrong price

- FIX: Promotion points not showing in cart

- FIX: Redemption point calculation

- NEW: Added better variations Support

- NEW: When subject is empty mail will not get sent

- NEW: Submitted Story mail contains user name + email

- FIX: Showed wrong earning points