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Log Update Item MyThemeShop Tabloid WordPress Theme
This page only show history update item MyThemeShop Tabloid WordPress Theme.

- Added 'alt' attribute in the missing images

- Added browser lazy 'loading' in the images

- Fixed: Incompatibility with the Rank Math plugin

- Fixed: PHP 8.0 issues & warnings in the theme

- Removed itemprop="url" meta tag as it is not required anymore, SEO plugins like Rank Math will handle the meta tags automatically 

- Fixed Google Fonts not removing from theme options panel issue

- Fixed: PHP notices on the widgets page

Files Updated:

- includes/admin/libs/mts-options/fields/typography/field_typography.js

- includes/admin/libs/mts-options/js/tabloid-options.js

- includes/class-tabloid.php

- includes/functions-tabloid-template-tags.php

- languages/tabloid.pot

- sass/theme.scss

- style.css

Product Added to the system.