* Improved converting urls in different languages
* Fixed language switcher directing to page not found in some edge cases
* Improved speed by eliminating the need of a query on gettext domains on most pages
* Improved speed when WooCommerce is active by better handling gettext processing
* Added hooks for disabling translation blocks
* Fixed cases of sprintf errors when running PHP 8+
* Fixed some gettext strings not selectable in Translation Editor when on secondary languages
* Fixed edge case not being able to save CPT when slug is translated and default language subdirectory is enabled
* Improved trp_language conditional shortcode by not running contents through Automatic Translation
* Fixed 404 issues on WooCommerce caused by permalink changes not resetting TP transients
* Improved communicating license status and other notices
* Added developer friendly functions trp_switch_language and trp_restore_language to briefly switch language
* Fixed anchor missing from custom links on translated pages
* Fixed compatibility issue with GiveWP not redirecting to confirmation page after donation
* Fixed edge case error with the way some plugins loaded textdomain
* Fixed notice when editing posts
* Fixed missing GET parameters when accessing a custom url without subdirectory
* Added filter trp_redirect_status to allow changing redirect status from all wp_redirect calls
Fixed error when resetting password on WooCommerce form
* Added feature to remember user language for WooCommerce emails. Both admins and customers now receive all Woo emails in their preferred language, not just on checkout
* Improved handling of empty or invalid schema json arrays in script tags on translated languages
* Improved compatibility with WooCommerce Payments
* Fixed php notice about notification_id
Fixed security vulnerability