* Added: Conditionally Display Form Fields
* Added: Ability to Place Popups in Custom Post type Taxonomy pages.
* Added: Ad block detection feature.
* Added: 4 Ad Blocker popup templates.
* Added: Filter Popups based on current body element classes.
* Added: Ability to create Custom Animation and play them on element click.
* Fixed: PHP 5.6.4+ Compatibility Issues.
* Fixed: PHP 8 compatibility Issues.
* Fixed: Popups were not showing up if Polylang was installed.
* Fixed: Ungrouping Elements Crashed.
* Fixed: Advanced Animation: Elements were not Animating.
* Fixed: Advanced Animation: Could not add new marker on Popup.
* Fixed: If an advanced text has a link in it, and its a goal element, the goal was not being completed on click.