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Log Update Item ACF Frontend Pro
This page only show history update item ACF Frontend Pro.

 * Fixed delete button not redirecting properly

 * Fixed success message not showing at top of page

 * Added Mailchimp Status field to allow user to choose whether or not to sign up to mailing list

 * Fixed post to edit not showing "new post" option if no posts are found in the query

 * Fixed neccesary scripts not enqueued if admin is not logged in 

 * Removed deprecated "documents" folder

 * Fixed admin css not loading in min file

 * Fixed Save Custom Fields to option not saving to correctly in legacy Elemntor widgets 

 = 3.7.6 - 28-06-2022 = 

 * Fixed plugin icon svg issue

 * Fixed modal button calling create form modal  

 = 3.7.5 - 27-06-2022 = 

 * Fixed dynamic value shortcodes 

 * Fixed delete button redirect broken

 = 3.7.4 - 26-06-2022 = 

 * Added solution for cache plugin breaking acf js object

 * Changed plugin name from ACF Frontend to Frontend Admin for ACF 

 * Added presets to form builder: 

         Delete Post Button

         Post Status Button

         Delete Product Button

         Product Status Button

 * Added Favicon field

* Changed plugin name from ACF Frontend to Frontend Admin for ACF 

 = 3.7.1 - 16-06-2022 = 

 * Added presets to form builder: 

         Delete Post Button

         Post Status Button

         Delete Product Button

         Product Status Button

 * Added Favicon field

 = 3.7.0 - 15-06-2022 = 

 * Added option to choose Frontend Form in Elementor widgets

 * Lite deprecated all Elementor widgets for new users except for Frontend Form (if you are already using these widgets, they will continue to function)

 * Added assets for form builder

 * Fixed issue with multi step product forms 

 * Tweeked multi step forms to allow fields before steps that will show always

 * Fixed step tabs to only show when fields show

 * Fixed issue with multiple "ACF Fields" instances in one form 

Fixed issue with multi step product forms 

 * Added Frontend Submissions Gutenberg block

 * Fixed Gutenberg block not loading form options

 * Fixed dynamic options in url query option not being generated properly

 * Added "Save Form Submissions" on form level

 * Added Mailchimp integration 

 * Deprecated URL parameters setting in actions tab. Parameters can be placed directly in the url

 * Fixed taxonomy field to show "add new" button under field instead of transparent icon

Added Mailchimp integration