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Log Update Item Rey - Fashion & Clothing, Furniture
This page only show history update item Rey - Fashion & Clothing, Furniture.

Improvement: Updated Google Fonts lists;

Improvement: Product grid element, added free drag mode option;

Improvement: Header Account, mobile support for the Wishlist product list;

Improvement: Change Quickview and Wishlist buttons tags to button;

Fix: Product Grid, Sale query, fixes duplicated items;

Fix: Upsells in product page, acts as a paginated archive;

Fix: Php warnings;

Fix: Related products title styling not showing correctly;

Fix: Checkout form labels, missing required star;

Fix: Results count text staying outside of the loop header block;

Fix: Elementor Gallery, column styling issues on mobiles;

Fix: Blog teasers not showing anymore;

Fix: Ajax login, throws error when using incorrect account details;

Fix: Header Nav, mobile logo width not applying;

Fix: Elementor 3.6 compatibility improvements;

Fix: Elementor Pro, product page’s gallery element not rendering properly in edit mode;

Fix: Text widget, underline links for bolded links;

Fix: Variation swatches, use variation image items, not working sometimes;

Fix: Ajax variables popup, tweaks when selecting an external swatch;

Fix: Product category grid inheriting parameters from a grid placed in Cover;

Fix: Product page navigation, activating under its button;

Fix: Cover Split, compatibility on tablets;

Fix: Custom templates product page gallery not applying styles;

Fix: Section padding, sometimes getting the page stuck;

Fix: Swatches in catalog not changing images when showing all attributes;

Fix: Side filter panel width on tablets;

Fix: Search form options in Customizer, not showing controls for Inline form;

Fix: Product page mobile gallery showing broken images (when having variations with extra images);

Fix: Catalog swatches sometimes is not updating the thumb url;

Fix: Default basic header, mobile issues with height;

Fix: Posts element, manual selection for pages too.

Fix: Catalog items, thumbnails as slideshow, not showing images on mobile;

Fix: Buy now button shows regardless if disabled;

Fix: Columns width sometimes cannot be adjusted properly;

Fix: Product items with slideshow, sometimes showing incorrect;

Fix: Brand image missing and compatibility with WooCommerce attributes element;

Fix: Gallery refresh when using extra variations images;

Fix: Product gallery with custom templates better compatibility;

Fix: Titles before/after categories not showing in categories;

Fix: Gap when dismissing top store notice;

Fix: Some Customizer controls not generating proper responsive values;

Fix: Related products still showing up regardless if they’re disabled;

Fix: Contact form 7 compatibility;

Fix: Lazy loaded assets, in some cases are not loaded;

Fix: Up-sells and lazy loaded product grid;

Improvement: Module manager. Added the ability to disable modules and features that are not used, avoiding any trace of their code;

Improvement: Refactored larges parts of code within the Core plugin;

Improvement: Added Starter demo, a useful tool for those who want to start cleaner with a simpler pre-made site;

Improvement: Added Slider widget for Elementor, a basic slider instead of complex cover sliders;

Improvement: Reorganized Customizer options, to be more descriptive and relevant;

Improvement: Trigger element, added “Toggle content visibility” functionality to show/hide any element, section or column in the page;

Improvement: Trigger element, added “Open popover” functionality to display any content (including global sections) through a dropdown;

Improvement: Added Wishlist sharing icons;

Improvement: Recent products in cart loading through Ajax;

Improvement: Filters Top bar, when in sticky mode, ability to attach to bottom;

Improvement: Product grid, query by custom min/max price;

Improvement: Heading partial highlight, support for long lines;

Fix: Compare products, ability to show the custom attributes;

Fix: Extra variation images compatibility with Single variations plugin;

Fix: Conflict with WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos;

Fix: Products per page showing in related products;

Fix: Cross-sells bubble on RTL layouts;

Fix: Mega menu overlay issue while editing in Elementor;

Fix: Compare and Wishlist display problems after add to cart button in product page;

Fix: Carousel element, button styles not applying;

Fix: Cards product item skin compatibility with mobile list view;

Fix: Compatibility with WC Vendors plugin;

Fix: Image Carousel with links;

Fix: WooCommerce single variations plugin compatibility with Rey’s filters;

Fix: Custom product page, video link not working;

Fix: Carousel Section skin in product grid, added back support for thumbs;

Fix: compatibility with Woo Variation Swatches Pro not showing swatches on first product item;

Fix: Catalog teasers with WPML;

Fix: Swatches in filters, compatibility with WPML;

Fix: Compatibility with filters, Iconic Swatches and WPML;

Fix: WPML better compatibility with Rey’s custom templates;

Fix: Section modal prevent reopening “forever” wasn’t working properly;

Fix: Variation attributes label cell background color;

Fix: Wishlist not working properly sometimes in multilanguage context;

Fix: Active filters with “Apply filters” button, not working;

Fix: Wishlist button not showing in Quickview;

Fix: Mini-cart quantity not limiting on available stock;

Fix: Product page’s mobile gallery sometimes sets images of related product variations;

Fix: Sometimes reviews don’t load when using ajax load;

Fix: Product page’s variations, update gallery on single variation click;

Fix: Wishlist panel position on mobiles;

Fix: Section padding with custom breakpoints;

Fix: Menu items ids avoid being duplicated;

Improvement: Added social sharing element;

Improvement: Updated ACF Pro to v5.10.2;

Improvement: Reviews (PDP) element, more customisation controls;

Improvement: Product grid component styles, added option to hide component on mobiles;

Improvement: Added separate Product page “Description” element for Custom templates;

Fix: Extra images gallery fix with Custom templates;

Fix: WPRocket compatibility with Delay JavaScript option;

Fix: Dropdown filters shown even though they’re empty;

Fix: Price features, sometimes are applying for related products grid;

Fix: Load more pagination with Product grid in Current query mode;

Fix: PHP notice when using filters;

Fix: Accessibility improvement;

Fix: Sometimes product gallery is not loading;

Fix: Some products in cart panel are shifted;

Fix: Compatibility with Elementor PRO for the grid items display;

Fix: Woo Discount Rules compatibility with discount badges;

Fix: Sometimes reviews block not staying closed (using Woo Photo Reviews plugin);

Fix: Elementor global button styles compatibility improvements;

Fix: Sometimes ajax search not working with WPML;

Fix: Compatibility improvements for YITH Product Addons;

Fix: Compatibility with Woo Perfect Brands plugin;

Fix: Bulk saving brands sometimes not working;

Fix: Wishlist page appearing unstyled;

Fix: Checkout custom layout, sometimes “Create account” shows twice;

Fix: Product page gallery’s mobile thumbs not showing up when clearing variation;

Fix: Stars icons in reviews and product page, sometimes appearing cut-off;

Fix: View Selector, compatibility fix with Elementor Pro;

Fix: Elements containing social icons, added rel noreferrer;

Fix: Mobile gallery in product page, not showing the video button;

Fix: Product video modal, close button on mobiles;

Fix: Related products element, not setting column properly;

Fix: Product grid not showing “no results” templates when empty;

Fix: Search form element, not applying post type setting;

Fix: Cart element in header sometimes having missing styles;

Fix: Search not returning items when a taxonomy was selected to be included, but is missing;

Fix: Load more posts in Blog;

Fix: Quantity select box in Quickview panel.