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Log Update Item Multibrand For WHMCS
This page only show history update item Multibrand For WHMCS.
  • WHMCS V8.8 support
  • Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
  • Fixed case that might have caused the "Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array (...)" error after adding any domains into the cart - case #1102
  • Eliminated "The results could not be loaded" error that could occur when trying to add the SecurePay payment gateway to a brand - case #1103
  • Solved "Exception: Item type product (...) does not exist" error that could occur for some customers immediately after activating the addon module - case #1104
  • Resolved issue with empty "Brands" columns in WHMCS admin area pages if its domain contained the "services" phrase and the admin access panel path was customized - case #1107
  • Other minor code corrections

Update New license

v2.6.1Released: Oct 30th, 2020
  • WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
  • Dedicated Multibrand "Bank Transfer" payment gateway - case #802
  • Optimized loading of brand configuration page when it contained a large number of assigned invoices - case #787
  • Support for WHMCS V7.8 and previous
  • Support for PHP 7.0 and previous
  • Eliminated "the currency is not supported" error that might have shown up when ordering domains or free products through the admin area - case #789, #797
  • Fixed issue where no subsequent branding number was added to the invoice automatically generated by cron if the option "Zero Invoices Number Branding" was enabled - case #798
  • Corrected unwanted redirection to "login page" that could occur when the guest client was trying to complete the order - case #758
  • Invoice PDF names will now contain the final invoice number instead of their proforma numbers - case #780
  • Eliminated exception error that might have shown up when trying to save changes for support ticket options - case #783
  • Corrected ticket URLs sent in emails for staff notifications that sometimes could use the wrong domain and cause WHMCS invalid license check error - case #804
  • Fixed currency amount format and conversion issues that might have occurred for the Multibrand Stripe payment gateway - case #801
  • Eliminated "Detected attempt to include init.php for a second time. Unable to continue." error that might have occurred when trying to reply to tickets, send an email, reset client password, or activate pending orders - case #778
  • Tax amount will be now properly recalculated when renewing the service with a discount applied - case #741
  • Corrected previewing email content from brand relations details in the admin area - case #792
  • Prevented "Unable to find relation" errors in logs when "Clients Only" or "Pipe Replies Only" options were enabled for ticket department settings - case #809
  • Other code corrections and improvements