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Log Update Item Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder
This page only show history update item Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder.

- New: Introduced Star Rating module.

- Improvement: Added WPML integration using wpml-config.xml file.

- Improvement: Optimized CSS & JS in the plugin for improving Core Web Vitals.

- Fixed: Advanced Tabs - Title typography settings are not working properly.

- Fixed: Off-canvas - Padding settings not working for all the buttons styles.

- Fixed: Off-canvas - Full-width Button option not working for default style.

- Fixed: Social Share - Auto layout not working as expected for the responsive devices.

- Fixed: Advanced Testimonials - Fatal error with PHP v8 when Image/Icon Size is empty.

- Fixed: Social Share - PHP notice when Social Share Type is Pinterest and no image is set.

- Fixed: Woo-Products - Grid & Carousel layout breaks on archive pages.

- Fixed: Woo-Categories - Grid & Carousel layout breaks on archive pages.

- Fixed: Heading - Description text gets disappeared after updating to latest version.

Version 1.31.0, Thursday, 1st July 2021

- New: Advanced Accordion - Added preset designs

- New: Advanced Tabs - Added preset designs

- New: Business Hours - Added preset designs

- New: Dual Buttons - Added preset designs

- New: Dual Color Heading - Added preset designs

- New: FAQ Schema - Added preset designs

- New: Heading - Added preset designs

- New: Info Box - Added preset designs

- New: Countdown - Added preset designs

- New: Team - Added preset designs

- Improvement: Added new default designs for modules

- Improvement: Advanced Tab - Added Tab spacing options for horizontal layout.

- Improvement: Team - Added Border setting for the complete box.

- Improvement: Team - Added a single Background setting for the complete box.

- Improvement: Advanced Icons - Added aria-label attribute to link.

- Improvement: Button - Added aria-label attribute to link.

- Improvement: Video - Added title attribute to iframe in Video module.

- Improvement: Business Reviews - Added responsive support for carousel arrows.

- Improvement: Woo-Products - Added filter to change Quick View text.

- Fixed: Advanced Testimonials - Icon dynamic CSS was not being applied when the layout is selected as Box.

- Fixed: Advanced Menu - Menu text color option is not working with rgba color code.

- Fixed: Dual Buttons - Border radius not working for mobile devices.

- Fixed: Heading - Heading Bottom Margin is overridden if we add another Heading Module in the Themer Layout.

- Fixed: Woo-Products - When Source is ACF Relationship respective settings are not shown.