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Log Update Item cPanel Extended For WHMCS
This page only show history update item cPanel Extended For WHMCS.
  • Enhanced themes with screenshots and descriptions in the WordPress Toolkit section
  • Added mass actions for WordPress Toolkit backups and instances
  • Improved appearance of the settings page in the WordPress Toolkit section
  • The "Enable," "Disable," and "Update" icons in the WordPress Toolkit themes and plugins sections will be accessible only if the corresponding actions can be triggered
  • Various adjustments, language improvements, and UI enhancements in the WordPress Toolkit section
  • Replaced endpoint URL, used for Installatron applications icons, with a newer one, as the previous one reached the end-of-life - case #754
  • Eliminated "Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array" error that could occur when accessing the WHMCS "Addon Modules" section - case #803
  • Solved problems with cloning and staging Softaculous applications due to invalid API requests - case #805
  • The "Physical Memory" and "CPU Usage" product values will now be properly set for the "PMEM" and "Speed" settings in the CloudLinux server - case #885
  • The module will now check if the domain the client wants to use for the Installatron application has an SSL certificate applied when trying to install an app with the "https://" domain - case #759, #620
  • The notifications displayed in the client area will no longer be covered by the scroll bar
  • Adjusted display of the WordPress Toolkit section when the "cPanel" product details client area template is used
  • Added missing descriptions and tooltips to several WordPress Toolkit options
  • Solved issue with downloading the Installatron applications list on PHP 8.1
  • Installing a WordPress instance in the root path will now be possible with the WP Toolkit - case #903
  • Other minor code corrections, language and UI adjustments

Update New license

  • User Manager - allow clients to create additional users along with their email, FTP, and web disk subaccounts
  • Remote MySQL - clients can add remote hosts (servers) addresses for applications that will be able to access their MySQL databases
  • ModSecurity - permit clients to enable or disable the ModSecurity tool for their domains which is used for intrusion detection and prevention
  • Rewritten certain API queries that used calls and features marked by cPanel as already deprecated
  • Added additional field validations for file and directory names when creating a new file using File Manager
  • Assorted language adjustments
  • Slight code corrections and improvements