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Log Update Item Gravity Forms Address Autocomplete
This page only show history update item Gravity Forms Address Autocomplete.

Updated usage of `GFCommon::maybe_decode_json()` to use `GFAddOn::maybe_decode_json()` instead to support Gravity Forms versions prior to 2.5.

- Improved compatibility with forms that are in modals that can scroll including Nested Forms.

- Added ability to specify which input (via filters) is used as the autocomplete input rather than always using Address Line 1.

Fixed issue where address coordinates where not saved when navigating paginated forms.

Added support for using Populate Anything on an Address field with Address Autocomplete enabled.

Fixed issue where Québec addresses would not select "Quebec" if using the Canadian address format.

Fixed issue where the latitude and longitude meta was not available for use by feed Add-Ons during submission.

- Fixed issue where the Country select would not populate for certain site setups.

- Fixed issue where encoded HTML entities would be populated into inputs rather than the character.

Updated to version 1.1.3