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Log Update Item Eventer - WordPress Event Manager Plugin
This page only show history update item Eventer - WordPress Event Manager Plugin.

UPDATED! Custom registration URL will be used for the But/Book tickets button

ADDED! Brazilian Real currency option

FIXED! Modern List not showing month name

FIXED! Featured grid not showing month name

FIXED! Currency position display wrong at total amount in cart

FICED! Some styling bugs

FIXED! Ticket info visible even if no tickets were created

FIXED! Some styling problem in the backend meta fields

NEW! Services data is now included in the booking CSV

NEW! Organiser name will show on the details page now

NEW! Pagination added for events grid with terms filters

NEW! Booking date added for bookings CSV with Woocommerce

UPDATED! Recurring events array type

UPDATED! Long duration events will now show in every month of their schedule

UPDATED! Tickets sending process with Woocommerce

FIXED! Additional info shortcake not working with Woocommerce

FIXED! A problem with common ticket count

FIXED! A bug with payment shortcode in the email templates

FIXED! Classic list now showing buy button when direct ticket link is used

FIXED! Event countdown not working with the Bridge theme

FIXED! Prices with comma separators not working

FIXED! PayPal button remains hidden when switching between payment options

FIXED! Free event booking not working when Stripe is active

FIXED! Selected organiser for slider shortcode not working

FIXED! Custom event URL not working

FIXED! Some styling bugs

REMOVED! Google Plus share icon since the service has been stopped by Google