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Log Update Item Brizy Pro
This page only show history update item Brizy Pro.

* Fixed: MegaMenu Drag and Drop 

* Fixed: Popup v1 alignment 

* Fixed: Carousel dots style on 2021 theme

* Fixed: The canonical URL for brizy pagination

* Fixed: Use original URL of the image when featured image is used as background

* Updated: Exclude WP navigation from simple page

* Improved: TranslatePress compatibility for the Menu element 

* New: 13 Popups design

* New: 8 Layout packs and Landing pages

* Improved: Logout URL with redirect

* New: Added custom context for the Post Title dynamic element

* Fixed: Publish option when you create internal Popups 

* Fixed: Image dynamic content

* Fixed: Active state for Switcher element

* Fixed: Login and Logout redirect 

* Fixed: Saved blocks in white label instance

* Fixed: Sale and price color for WooPrice

* Fixed: Remove undefined index placeholder

* Fixed: Display a notification when the free version is not activated

* Improved: Changed the default Twitter handle when you added it to the page 

* Improved: Changed icon in toolbar for Navigation 

* Fixed: Regex for some placeholders in Dynamic content 

* Fixed: Carousel sidebar for mobile and tablet 

* Fixed: Gallery sidebar for responsive 

* Fixed: The lines in the timeline element now connect correctly on mobile 

* Fixed: Changed default paragraph text value for Carousel 

* Fixed: Alt attribute for logo on dynamic content

* Fixed: Show and Hide posts title on navigation post on single post

* Improved: Show display conditions popup on setting a global Block

* Improved: Active tags hover behavior for Posts element 

* Improved: White label options, removed Brizy from custom font upload 

* New: 9 design layout packs

* New: Added categories in Posts element

* Fixed: Story text and images flickering on different devices

* Fixed: Some PRO layouts are displaying in the FREE category 

* Fixed: File upload on Lottie element

* Fixed: Nested Switcher elements 

* Fixed: Styles issues for nested Switcher elements 

* Fixed: Menu element font broken by Twenty Twenty-One theme

* Fixed: UI issues when Dynamic content is larger in toolbar

* Fixed: Mega Menu hover transition

* Fixed: Content alignment when you activate membership options in Footer blocks

* Fixed: Dynamic content value in Countdown element

* Fixed: Close option hover on Image Gallery lightbox

* Fixed: Post loop setup global post on every iteration

* Fixed: Added back the post tags placeholder

* Fixed: Product short description does not work in the products element

* Fixed: Woocommerce Product Bundle plugin failed to open stream

* Fixed: Renamed brizy_dc_post_tags to brizy_dc_post_terms and changed it according to its name

* Fixed: Shortcodes Element in popup 

* Fixed: Mega Menu preview position

* Fixed: Options toolbar position inside Sticky Header

* Improved: Mega Menu passive events on touch 

* Improved: Page loading speed on preview when you have custom fonts on your page

* Fixed: False positives malware File Found notifications 

* Fixed: Brizy Yoast pagination incompatibility

* Fixed: Post Loop, Pagination, Tags refactoring 

* Fixed: Apply do_shortcode in the post loop on every item

* New: Added the Lottie element in Stories 

* Fixed: Text links in Stories 

* Fixed: Placeholder options values for the Post element

Fixed: Editor for Internal Popup

* Fixed: Global popup bug

* Fixed: Icon link in Story

* Fixed: Mega Menu secondary level bug

* Fixed: Hamburger Menu on mobile bug

* Fixed: Mobile menu bug when using Astra theme

* Improved: White Label, removed keyword Brizy from two places in the code

* Fixed: Global popup

* Fixed: Cache assets on Brizy websites

* Fixed: Fatal error on compile templates for single product

* Fixed: Assets on preview

* Fixed: Toolset and metabox custom fields