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Log Update Item BookingWP WooCommerce Appointments
This page only show history update item BookingWP WooCommerce Appointments.

* Improvement   - Beginning the switch to ES6 in JS files.

* Improvement   - Remaining chars in add-on fields duplicated.

Product Add-ons Subtotal never shown in 4.14.5.

* Improvement   - Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.

* Improvement   - Updated compatibility with Polylang for WooCommerce 1.6.2.

* Improvement   - Updated Product Add-ons to 4.5.0.

* Fix           - Polylang staff costs and quantity erased on translated products.

* Fix           - Datepicker in admin shows html instead of icon from WP 5.9.

* Fix           - WC product Addons translation not working.

* Improvement   - Added 'woocommerce_appointments_product_defaults' to filter product defaults.

* Improvement   - Added better compatibility with the Square payment plugin.

* Improvement   - Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.1.

* Improvement   - Updated Product Add-ons to 4.4.0.

* Fix           - Pagination at My Appointments account section.

* Improvement   - Replaced more array() instances with shorthand [] instance.

* Improvement   - Updated Spanish translations.

* Improvement   - Added new translated strings to all languages.

* Improvement   - WooCommerce Payments multicurrency support for add-on fields.

* Fix           - Some strings in "appointment-summary-list.php" are not translatable since 4.14.1.

* Fix           - Admin calendar should include the tax amount for listed appointments.

* Fix           - All new products (even simple) have the 'Virtual' option checked.

* Fix           - Saved customer ID for the appointment not shown.

* Fix           - Multi-day duration does not highlight selected days on disabled dates.

* Fix           - Pagination at My Appointments account section.

* Improvement   - Replaced more array() instances with shorthand [] instance.

* Improvement   - Updated Spanish translations.

* Improvement   - Added new translated strings to all languages.

* Improvement   - WooCommerce Payments multicurrency support for add-on fields.

* Fix           - Some strings in "appointment-summary-list.php" are not translatable since 4.14.1.

* Fix           - Admin calendar should include the tax amount for listed appointments.

* Fix           - All new products (even simple) have the 'Virtual' option checked.

* Fix           - Saved customer ID for the appointment not shown.

* Fix           - Multi-day duration does not highlight selected days on disabled dates.

* Fix           - Pagination at My Appointments account section.

* Improvement   - Send customer email notification when unpaid appointments are canceled.

* Improvement   - Updated Product Add-ons to 4.1.0.

* Improvement   - Percentage based fee for add-ons for NON Appointable products.

* Improvement   - Better sanitization for the appointment ID display.

* Improvement   - Removed "WooCommerce Create Customer on Order" integration.

* Improvement   - Updated all translations.

* Fix           - Reschedule button does not work outside My account pages.