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Log Update Item MailWizz - Email Marketing Application
This page only show history update item MailWizz - Email Marketing Application.

[ADD] - Show attachments list in the confirmation page of the campaign  

[CHG] - Change the wording from "Send campaigns" to "Schedule campaign" in the confirmation step of the campaign  

[ENH] - If enabled, forced opt-in and opt-out will now propagate in frontend, and api as well, dynamically  

[MSC] - Overall fixes

[UPD] - Updated composer packages

[ADD] - Added note in the welcome step of the installer as to what to do if the installer does not pass the welcome screen  

[ENH] - Encode subject and body in the list unsubscribe header value 

[MSC] - Overall fixes

[UPD] - Updated composer packages

[MSC] - Overall fixes

[UPD] - Updated composer packages