Total 26/03/2025 : We HAVE 11277 Items and more than 3513 happy members.
Log Update Item WoWonder - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform
This page only show history update item WoWonder - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform.
  • FIXED contact us page on sunshien theme.
  • FIXED messages list not showing on phone in sunshine.
  • FIXED turn off / on notifications on sunshine theme.
  • FIXED notifications bell not showing on sunshine on profile page.
  • FIXED announcement text not showing on sunshine theme.
  • FIXED comments cannot be made on blogs.
  • FIXED users cannot be verified by moderators.
  • FIXED avatars cannot be changed in manage genders page in admin panel.
  • FIXED sorting by price doesn't work well on marketplace.
  • FIXED creating an article in the blog and publishing it, it does not show words with accented letters.(à,è,ì,ò,ù).
  • FIXED 10+ minor bugs in back and front end.

ADDED story viewed time.

IMPROVED design / colors in default theme for few sections.

IMPROVED audio player design.

FIXED create article issue.

FIXED live streaming privacy not updating in admin panel.

FIXED pick your plans, go pro plans were not showing on welcome page.

FIXED CROS issues in nodejs.

FIXED wallet system was not accepting top ups more than 1000

FIXED message button was not showing on profile (mobile).

FIXED {site_name} showing on registration page.

FIXED charts were not showing on groups and pages if loading using ajax.

FIXED stories now are ordered by DESC instead of ASC.

FIXED chat colors, default color was black.

FIXED birthday showing NULL on profile page sometimes.

FIXED clicking on stories next shows pervious story.

FIXED charecter limit on privacy page.

FIXED disabling pages was disabling the create button on top header.

FIXED YouTube videos on Instegram mode wasn't working.

ADDED audio player for mp3 files.

ADDED yandex API for maps.

ADDED yandex payment method.

ADDED iyzipay payment method.

ADDED securionpay payment method.

ADDED authorize.Net payment method.

ADDED social login.

ADDED new APIs in developers page: get_pages, get_groups, get_products, get_followers, get_following, get_friends

ADDED mobile apps links in welcome page and sidebar, managed from admin panel -> website information.

UPDATED design in few sections.

UPDATED documentation & FAQs: .

FIXED price not showing in products.

FIXED links not working on profile page.

FIXED ajax load in few pages.

FIXED broken images when importing a link.

FIXED add as familly system.

FIXED XSS vulnerability.

FIXED 10+ more minor bugs.

FIXED bugs in API.

[Added] Palestine to country list.

[Removed] dublicated nginx rules in nginx.conf, update required for nginx users.

[Replaced] Yahoo weather with new provider

[Fixed] live video not working on firefox.

[Fixed] blog point issue, user will get points now after approving.

[Fixed] nearby shops counter.

[Fixed] line break issue in nodejs chat system.

[Fixed] refund page wasn’t apearing.

[Fixed] add movies page in admin, sometimes it looks broken.

[Fixed] bank details wasn’t getting updated in admin panel.

[Fixed] issues in desgin.

[Fixed] video post on MySQL 8 and PHP 8.

[Fixed] more minor bugs.

[Fixed] bugs in API.