* Added the "wpacu_settings" filter - add_filter() - so the plugin's "Settings" can be altered via code (e.g. adding if clauses programmatically to alter the value of a certain textarea or have an option disabled on specific pages) when necessary
* Prevent the following option from being accidentally disabled: 'Ignore dependency rule and keep the "children" loaded' (e.g. in rare cases, some CSS/JS have dependencies on certain pages only)
* Fix: Added nonce checks for every WordPress AJAX call to improve security
* Compatibility with FlyWheel hosting accounts (and other hosting accounts using the same pattern): The WordPress root directory is different than the ABSPATH one in relation to the "wp-content" directory where all or most of the CSS/JS files are located (e.g. the file size wasn't calculated for the static files before this change, which is needed for certain plugin functionality such as calculating small files for inlining)
* Compatibility fix: Whenever the 'active_plugins' option is updated incorrectly by another plugin, it might contain the filtered list done via "option_active_plugins" and not the original list; Put back the missing plugins to avoid ending up with site-wide deactivated plugins (the ones with unloading rules in "Plugins Manager")
* Avoid the same database query to be called more than once within the assetCleanUpHasNoLoadMatches() function
* Limit the number of fields that are submitted whenever CSS/JS manager is used by re-organizing the fields' structure; Disable certain inputs that are at the time irrelevant for submitting (it helps if max_input_vars from php.ini is set to the default 1000 which is a low number for large forms)
* "Overview" page change: Highlight posts that are not "publish" or "private" within the "Page Options" area
* Do not add any CSS/JS manager link to the post's actions if the post is not "publish" or "private" (within "All Posts" page - /wp-admin/edit.php)
* Order in alphabetical order the unloaded plugins from the top admin bar "Asset CleanUp Pro" menu
* "Plugins Manager" Multisite compatibility: Make sure network-activated plugins are fully manageable (e.g. only plugins activated per site were showing)
* If "Contract All Groups" & "Expand All Groups" buttons are used, make sure the state (contracted or expanded) whenever the admin manages the assets again (the following option is updated in the background: "Settings" -> "Plugin Usage Preferences" -> "On Assets List Layout Load, keep the groups:")
* Fix: "Uncaught ReferenceError: wpacuLoadCSS is not defined" was sometimes showing. It's been fixed by updating the fallback script needed for CSS async preloading (e.g. for browsers that do not support it by default)
* Fix: "Warning: Constant WPACU_PREVENT_ANY_FRONTEND_OPTIMIZATION already defined"