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Log Update Item Gravity Perks Easy Passthrough
This page only show history update item Gravity Perks Easy Passthrough.

Fixed PHP notices/warnings.

Added `$source_field` as a fourth parameter to the `gpep_target_field_value` filter.

Fixed noticed generated when passing entry ID rather than entry array to the GP_Easy_Passthrough::get_entry_token() method.

Fixed a JavaScript error that occur when configure the Easy Passthrough feeds for form containing special characters in field labels and admin labels.

Added [gpep_active_feeds]( filter to allow filtering active Easy Passthrough feeds when they are fetched.

- Improved behavior of the Field Map setting to exclude display-only fields such as HTML, Section, etc.

- Added a new menu icon to help differentiate Easy Passthrough in the Form Settings panel.

- Fixed issue where fatal error was generated when source entry did not exist.

- Fixed notice when fetching parent entry from token to check for edit permission.

- Added "Update URI" to plugin header to improve security.

Fixed date field sometimes returning wrong format.

Added support for duplicating feeds on feed list and also when duplicating a form.