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Log Update Item Travel Booking WordPress Theme
This page only show history update item Travel Booking WordPress Theme.

[Big Update] Traveler Library Layout Elementor

[Update Elementor]Homap in Theme Settings > Page Options blank

[Update WPBakery]Tour Style 1,2,3,7 for Guest Name

[Update] PayuLatam add description Brazil country

[Update] Store Transaction ID when pay with Stripe

[Update]Incomplete Bank Transfer deduct room in Inventory

[Update]Library fullcalendar to v5.11.0

[Update]Partner can choose Hotel, Room & Rental Layout Elementor

[Update]Remove SkyScanner API


[Update]Show Coupon on Booking Information and Email

[Update]Social Login Twitter

[Update]Status in Tour/Activity/Cars/Rental Booking

[Update]Theme Option Demo Aff

[Update]Theme Option>Styling Option > Menu

[Update]Theme Text

[Update]UI Calendar Single Hotel

[Update]UX SignUP Popup

[Update]Which demos have been imported

[Update]WooCommerce Order with Hotel Booking

[Update][Elementor]List Item Service

[Update][Mod]Car Transfer

[Update] API System

[Fix Elementor] Rental filter price: min price wrong display

[Fix Elementor] Room, rental: The number of booking selections exceeds the maximum number

[Fix Mod]Modtel, Modcar, Modrental review gets data back from trash

[Fix] Email shortcode [st_email_booking_item_website]

[Fix]Ajax Price in Booking Form

[Fix]Blog Page

[Fix]Checkout Page with Header Transparent

[Fix]Currency Decimal

[Fix]Guest Name Required in Service Page Elementor

[Fix]Header Transparent

[Fix]Hotel Package in Tour with Instant Booking Bar

[Fix]Hotel Service Page

[Fix][Elementor]Author Page

[Fix][Elementor]Blog Siderbar on the left

[Fix][Elementor]Calendar in Partner Dashboard

[Fix][Elementor]Cannot translate abbreviations on calendar


[Fix][Elementor]Header/Topbar when have only 1 currency

[Fix][Elementor]Layout modern 1 and 2 of Tour/Activity

[Fix][Elementor]List Item Service show 3 item only

[Fix][Elementor]Remove Room/Infant in Rental

[Fix][Elementor]Search Form element

[Fix][Elementor]Search HalfMap

[Fix][Elementor]Slider Element

[Fix][Elementor]Tour/Activity Service Page

[Fix][Elementor]UI on Safari

[Fix][ModCar]Car Rental Service Page

[Fix][Modrent][mobile, tblet] booking box not showing

[Fix][Modtour+modactivity][mobile] Text price mobile wrong display

[Fix][mod] Mobile logo get the same modern logo

[Fix][Mod]Membership Package

[Fix][Mod]Search Result Page

[Fix][Mod]Tour Search Topbar 

Major Update

1. Compatible with WordPress 6.0

2. 6 Layout Elementor

Fix some minor bugs

Major Update

1. Traveler Code plugin version

2. Set Home Modern to default for page template.

3. Option On/Off Information Contact Theme Setting.

4. Disable install Classic Demo.

5. Disable Nicescroll Setting in Classic.


1. AJAX Load Room in Hotel Page

2. Woocommerce Status does not update after admin approve the booking in Dashboard.

3. Classic Taxonomy Filter and Accordion  in Tour/Activity.

4. Map box in Classic layout.

5. Pagination in Hotel Search Result Page.

Major Update

1. Compatible with WordPress 5.8.3

2. Compatible with WooCommerce 6.1.0


1. Testimonial showing Traveler text

2. Header Email in Modern Layout

3. Icon Attribute

4. Sent Email Approve when Public Post

5. UI ST Search Form Affiliate


1. Update infor contact for services

Note: Kindly backup your website before updating to the next theme version