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Log Update Item Polylang for WooCommerce
This page only show history update item Polylang for WooCommerce.

* Fix import of terms with shared slugs broken by WP 6.0.

* Fix block filter by product attributes broken by WC 6.4.

* Fix fatal error when duplicating variable products and some variations have been deleted with Polylang deactivated.

* Requires WordPress 5.7 or higher, WC 5.1 or higher, Polylang 3.0 or higher.

* Allow to translate cart when using multiple domains in recent browsers. Requires WC 6.7.

* Filter the product search block results by language.

* Add compatibility with Mix & Match Products 2.0. Props @helgatheviking

* Fix multiple emails sent to emails added through the filter 'woocommerce_email_recipient_new_order'

* Fix a deprecated notice with PHP 8.1

* Fix WooCommerce pages translations not created when using the WooCommerce wizard.

* Fix query for reserved stock

* Fix REST API for products with Polylang Pro 3.2+

* Fix deprecated notice in WooCommerce Subscriptions.

* Fix a fatal error with WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos.

* Fix WC Brands compatibility not loaded on frontend.

* Fix a conflict with Germanized for WooCommerce

* Fix error when manually sending the invoice email from backend.

* Fix a conflict with WooCommerce Germanized sending the new order email twice.

Fix a conflict which could prevent emails from 3rd party plugins to be sent

* Requires PHP 7.0 or higher, WordPress 5.4 or higher, WC 4.3 or higher, Polylang 2.8 or higher

* Improve robustness and documentation of code

* Remove jQuery usage when resetting the cart

* Improve performance when switching the language on front

* Add compatibility with WooCommerce Brands

* Send emails to admin in the user's language when available

* Allow to translate emails from name and address

* Add filters "pllwc_user_email_actions" and "pllwc_order_email_actions" to ease the translation of custom emails

* Add the filter "pllwc_enable_cart_translation" to allow to disable the cart translation

* Fix add to cart page id when the language is set from the content

* Fix the translation of several blocks modified in WC 5.6

* Fix a conflict with the ACF Google map field

* Fix wizard may be launched when it has already been skipped

* Fix a PHP notice with WooCommerce Ajax Products filter by BeRocket

* Fix Javascript error when the ACF Google map filed is added

* WordPress 5.8: fix a fatal error with the legacy widget preview in the new widget block editor