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Log Update Item Permalink Manager Pro
This page only show history update item Permalink Manager Pro.

* Dev - Bulk tools ("Regenerate/Reset" and "Find & replace") and "Quick Edit" code was refactored

* Dev - Minor code improvements

* Dev - New filter field - 'permalink_manager_ate_uri_editor'

* Dev - Improved compatibility with WPML's Advanced Translation Editor

* Fix - The /feed/ endpoint returns 404 error if 'feeds' in rewrite property of requested post type object is set to false

* Fix - The canonical redirect is no longer forced for LearnPress front-end pages

* Fix - The "URI Editor" for individual term pages is now called later to ensure that all custom taxonomies are registered

* Dev - The "nonce" field has been renamed for clarity

* Dev - New filter added - 'permalink_manager_get_language_code'

* Fix - A nonce field has been added to debug tools code for increased security

* Fix - The "Fix language mismatch" function now functions exactly the same way in Polylang as it does in WPML

Fix - Security fix for BAC vulnerability found in the debug function that allowed unauthorized removal of single URIs

* Fix - The URLs with duplicated slashes (eg. are now handled correctly and forwarded to the canonical URL.

* Fix - The redirect problem was resolved with WPForo versions after 2.0.1

* Dev - Improved compatibility with the WP All Import plugin functions

* Dev - Improved compatibility with Polylang plugin

* Dev - Better support for ACF Relationship fields

* Dev - The plugin no longer (by default) supports custom post types & taxonomies that do not have the "query_var" and "rewrite" properties

* Enhancement - In "Exclude drafts" mode, the URI Editor field in the "Quick Edit" section becomes "read-only" for the "Draft" posts.

* Dev - New filter added - 'permalink_manager_pre_sanitize_title'

* Fix - The old slugs are saved in the '_wp_old_slug' meta key even if the native slugs are changed in the URI Editor in the Gutenberg mode.

* Fix - Extra security check in the "Debug" section to prevent unauthorized users (CSRF) from removing the plugin's data.

Fix - JS conflict fixed ("Cannot read properties of null (reading 'isSavingMetaBoxes')")