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Log Update Item Store Locator (Google Maps) For WordPress
This page only show history update item Store Locator (Google Maps) For WordPress.

Customization section added to directly modify the templates

Cluster library is updated

Address Dropdown for Country, State & Cities

Applied max_bound for Search Zoom

Template 3 has dropdowns for addresses

direction_mode="walking" (driving, bicycling, walking, transit, two_wheeler)

Customization section added to directly modify the templates

Cluster library is updated

Address Dropdown for Country, State & Cities

Applied max_bound for Search Zoom

Template 3 has dropdowns for addresses

direction_mode="walking" (driving, bicycling, walking, transit, two_wheeler)

Compatible with WordPress 5.9

Changed the admin ASL Settings UI

Fixed analytics in the list template

Product is replaced by "Specialities"

Boundary Box for search

Print Store List option

Compatible with 5.8 WordPress