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Log Update Item Gravity Flow - Folders Extension
This page only show history update item Gravity Flow - Folders Extension.

- Added settings on "Add to Folder" Workflow Step to allow creation of a new folder if it doesn't exist.

- Added uninstall message on Gravity Forms Uninstall Page to clarify what is removed when Folders extension is uninstalled.

- Added deprecated version warning for use of Gravity Flow Folders with Gravity Forms less than version 2.5.

- Added acceptance test coverage structure and an initial folder test scenario.

- Added add-on icon.

- Updated Admin Actions to not display choices under "Remove from Folder" and "Move to Folder" when entry is not in any folder.

- Updated Admin Actions to not display choices under "Add to Folder" and "Move to Folder" when entry is in all folders.

- Fixed an issue with "Remove from Folder" not working via Admin Actions.

- Fixed an issue with Bulk Actions not adding entries to correct folders.

- Fixed an issue with viewing and updating Folders settings introduced in Gravity Forms 2.5.13.