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Log Update Item Iconic - WooCommerce Linked Variations
This page only show history update item Iconic - WooCommerce Linked Variations.

[update] Added `$term_data` parameter to the `iconic_wlv_visual_swatch_data` filter

[update] Include Linked Variations group title to the exported CSV  

[update] Added new filter `iconic_wlv_product_linked_variations_data`  

[update] Added `iconic_wlv_linked_variation_image_args` and `iconic_wlv_linked_variation_image_placeholder` filters  

[update] Update dependencies  

[fix] Improve styling for Divi theme  

[fix] Fix issue where cache would miss for non linked variation products  

[new] Export linked variation data  

[update] Add HTML markup to colon in label  

[update] Cross/Fade out-of-stock linked variations when swatch style is inherited