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Log Update Item Paid Memberships Pro - Gift Levels Add On
This page only show history update item Paid Memberships Pro - Gift Levels Add On.

BUG FIX: Resolved issue where the recurring payment warning was showing on all levels, not just gift levels.

ENHANCEMENT: Added Gift level template and support for PMPro v2.9+ settings UI.

* BUG FIX: Fixed fatal error when viewing Edit User page

* BUG FIX: Fixed incorrect output on invoice page when a gift order was purchased

* BUG FIX: Fixed an issue when checking out with PayPal would change the user's level. User's will now keep their current level when purchasing a gift.

* ENHANCEMENT: Plugin strings have been localized and now support translations.

* ENHANCEMENT: New filter added to allow changing of discount code settings during checkout process. Filter: 'pmprogl_gift_code_settings'