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Log Update Item Custom Facebook Feed Pro (By Smash Ballon) – Add a completely customizable Facebook feed to your WordPress site
This page only show history update item Custom Facebook Feed Pro (By Smash Ballon) – Add a completely customizable Facebook feed to your WordPress site.

* Fix: Fixed the integration with the Cookie Yes plugin for GDPR related features to work with the latest and migrated version of Cookie Yes.

* Fix: Fixed a PHP warning that would occur with our Reviews extension.

* Fix: Hashtags in the post content would cause the max text length feature not to work properly.

* Fix: Fixed the resolution of images in the lightbox for photos feed not always being correct.

* Fix: Fixed an issue causing missing posts for timeline feeds on the front end of the site but not the customizer.

Fix: Changed how the plugin's code was included to prevent conflicts with SMTP plugins that overwrite wp_mail().

* Fix: Fixed avatars from visitor accounts not showing in the lightbox.

* Fix: PHP error that would occur when trying to use the new Facebook Feed Divi block with the Divi Builder plugin and PHP version 7.3 or lower.

* Fix: Photo feeds would show broken images in the feed preview under certain circumstances.

* Fix: Fixed event feeds showing an error in the API response in certain circumstances.

* Fix: Tagged accounts in post content were not linking correctly.

* New: Elementor and Divi Builder widgets. We've added new Elementor and Divi Builder widgets to make it easier to embed your feeds.

* New: Iframes from YouTube and Vimeo will not load until the rest of the page content has loaded to improve page performance.

* Fix: Some post content that included special characters would display incorrectly.

* Fix: Comments for posts would appear correctly in the feed preview but not on the front-end for some feeds.

* Fix: When the text shortening setting was enabled, unexpected text would appear in some circumstances.

* Fix: For the carousel layout available with the carousel extension, the setting to automatically adjust the height of the feed would not work correctly when expanding post content on mobile devices.

* Tweak: Added a new setting to allow disabling of the JavaScript image loading. Deactivate "JavaScript Image Loading" on the advanced tab if you are using a lazy loading plugin and blank images are displaying in your feed.

* Fix: Group posts with special formatting (markdown) will now display like they do in Facebook.

* Fix: Fixed several issues related to accessibility and screen readers.

* Fix: Fixed an issue where shortening the text content might result in emoji being cut off and displaying as plain text.

* Fix: Fixed an error with group posts and the Social Wall plugin.

* Fix: Fixed an error with the carousel layout in the feed preview when customizing a feed.

* Fix: Fixed an issue with translations not showing the default value to be customized in the customizer.

* Fix: Fixed issues with hashtags and account mention links in the post text in some specific situations.

* Fix: Fixed PHP warnings when visiting the support page before creating a feed.

* Fix: Fixed hashtags and account mentions errors with links in the post text.

* Fix: Events feeds with a masonry layout would not load more posts correctly.

* Fix: Events feeds would not have the proper styling and settings applied to the load more button.

* Fix: When there were multiple feeds on a page, some images would not show for the first feed under certain circumstances.

* Fix: The dark theme template would not apply correctly in feeds.

* Fix: Fixed missing setting for video post titles.

* Fix: Added support for oEmbed URL with the structure ""

* Tweak: Updated our logo and color scheme throughout the plugin to match our new [website](

* Tweak: Minified the CSS and JavaScript files for better performance.

* Tweak: Added the CSS class "cff-feed-image" to all img elements in the feed.

* Fix: Fixed several issues related to event feeds.

* Fix: The media position post text was being duplicated.

* Fix: The load more button would be hidden if there were multiple feeds on a page using the masonry layout.

* Fix: The [Reviews extension]( can now be translated using the "Translations" tab on the settings page.

* Fix: Added links to the issue in our API error helper doc in error messages for easy debugging on our website.

* Fix: When using the AJAX theme fix, the JavaScript file name includes the version number to bust browser caches with updates.

* Fix: Dismissing dashboard notifications would prevent the ability to create new feeds until the page was refreshed.

* Fix: The event post text setting was not working.