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Log Update Item PublishPress - Multiple Authors
This page only show history update item PublishPress - Multiple Authors.

* Added: Add option to authors update their own profile, #24;

* Fixed: Fix new author form not allowing to map a user to multiple authors, #64;

* Fixed: Fix PHP notice Constant PP_WP_BANNERS_VERSION already defined, #603;

* Fixed: Improve the selection of avatar for authors, making it clear if is using gravatar or custom image, #564;

* Fixed: Updated Italian translation files;

* Fixed: Fix the code editor for Layouts which was not loading, #604;

* Fixed: Fix small extra spacing in image link, #607;

* Fixed: Fix description field that were displayed in the author profile after navigating throw the tabs, #605;

* Changed: Increased the font size in the code editor for Layouts;

* Changed: Updated the Ace library, the code editor for Layouts, from v1.4.8 to v1.4.14;