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Log Update Item User Role Editor Pro
This page only show history update item User Role Editor Pro.

* Core version: 4.63.1

* Fix: Navigation menu admin access add-on: Warning: Attempt to read property “slug” on int in /wp-content/plugins/user-role-editor-pro/pro/includes/classes/nav-menus-admin-access.php on line 73

* Core version: 4.63.1

* Fix: Edit access restrictions add-on: Prohibit by selected posts ID list criteria worked incorrectly - all posts were prohibited instead of selected only.

* Update: Edit access restrictions add-on: It skips Elementor's internal custom post types to reduce general time execution. 

* Update: Marked as compatible with WordPress 6.1

* New: Edit restrictions access add-on: It's possible allow/prohibit for role or user the selected post types: posts, pages, custom post types. 

* Fix: Content view restrictions add-on: Fatal error: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: target should be an object with map method or an array in /wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/vendor/wpml/fp/core/Fns.php:156

  URE tried to check if not logged-in user can edit the post, by its ID. This leaded to a problem inside WPML plugin code. 

* Fix: Content edit restrictions:  "Force custom post types to use their own capabilities" option: URE automatically created custom post types unique capabilities later then "Fusion Builder" plugin did. 'init' action was replaced with 'wp_loaded' one.

* Update: Content view restrictions add-on: restrictions are applied to the public custom post types only.

* Update: Few notices (e.g. "Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated") was fixed for better compatibility with PHP 8.1.

* Core version was updated to version 4.63

* New: It's possible to translate custom role names using [PolyLang]( plugin.

* Update: URE does not sort roles in WordPress dropdown lists. In order to sort roles by name return 'name' from 'ure_sort_wp_roles_list' filter.

* Update: User capabilities view page minor CSS enhancements.

* Update: Marked as compatible with WordPress 5.9.2

* Fix: Gravity Forms access add-on: 

*   - Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method URE_GF_Access_User::get_fg_list() in /wp-content/plugins/user-role-editor-pro/pro/includes/classes/gf-access-user.php:211

*   - All Gravity Forms were available for the user in spite of the restrictions set for him in some cases.

*   - Button "Gravity Forms" did not work at "Users->User Role Editor" page. 

* Core version: 4.61.2

* Update: Marked as compatible with WordPress 5.9.1

* New: It's possible to import all user roles at once from previously exported CSV file.

* New: "Edit posts restrictions" add-on: It's possible to replicate  settings from the main site to all other subsites of the multisite network (Network admin->Users->User Role Editor->Update Network).

* Core version was updated to version 4.61.2

* Fix: "Users->Add New" page - other selected roles were not saved.

* Update: URE uses WordPress notification styles for own operation result output.

* Update: Marked as compatible with WordPress 5.9.

* Update: PHP 7.3 is marked as required.

* New: Gravity Forms Edit Access add-on: It's possible to set what forms is allowed to edit for the selected role.

* New: Content view restrictions add-on: [user_role_editor] shortcode "roles" and "except_roles" attributes supports the "no_role" value for logged-in users with "No role for this site" - without any role granted.

* Fix: Content view restrictions add-on: PHP Warning:  A non-numeric value encountered in /wp-content/plugins/user-role-editor-pro/pro/includes/classes/posts-view.php on line 224

* Fix: Meta boxes access add-on:  PHP Warning:  A non-numeric value encountered in /wp-content/plugins/user-role-editor-pro/pro/includes/classes/meta-boxes.php on line 452

* Core version was updated to version 4.61.1

* Update: If installed PHP/WordPress version is lower than required one, script termination ( wp_die() ) was replaced with notice-warning admin notice output.

* Update: "Settings->User Role Editor->Tools->Reset" button is additionally protected from the unintended/accidental usage by text input field. Manual input of "Permanently delete all custom user roles and capabilities" text is required to enable the "Reset" button.

* Update: Partial code review and refactoring according with WordPress & PHP coding standards.

* Fix: "Users->selected user->Capabilities" page: 'select all' checkbox did not work.

* Update: Marked as compatible with WordPress 5.8.1

* Fix: Admin menu access add-on: Blocked admin menu item "SEO->Workouts" (from Yoast SEO plugin) was still available as main menu item.

* Fix: Multisite: Add-ons data from the main site were not replicated to subsites after click "Update Network" button from the "Network Admin->Users->User Role Editor".

* Fix: Navigation menus access add-on:

* - PHP Warning: Undefined variable $result in /wp-content/plugins/user-role-editor-pro/pro/includes/classes/nav-menus-admin-controller.php on line 28

* - PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string + string in /wp-content/plugins/user-role-editor-pro/pro/includes/classes/nav-menus-admin-view.php:146 

* Core version was updated to version 4.60.2

* New: URE user capability 'ure_edit_gravityforms_access' was added (Pro version only).

* Fix: Multisite: URE_Editor::is_full_network_sync() returned FALSE, instead TRUE for the AJAX call, while call was made from the Network Admin (wp-admin/network/).

* Core version: 4.60

* Fix: WP Multisite: User lost granted roles after click "Users->Capabilities->Update Network". 

* New: Edit posts/pages/custom post types restrictions add-on: new custom filters were added: 'ure_post_edit_access_restricted_taxonomies', 'ure_post_edit_access_allowed_terms', 'ure_post_edit_access_terms_to_exclude'.

* Update: Edit posts/pages/custom post types restrictions add-on: 

*   - It is compatible now with "Admin Columns" and "Advanced Custom Fields" plugins. "Admin columns" plugin did not showed "Advanced Custom Fields" managed column values, when URE applied edit restrictions. URE excludes now from edit restrictions ACF plugins custom post types 'acf-field-group' and 'acf-field'.

*   - It is compatible now with "Contact Form 7" plugin. You can restrict access to the CF7 plugin records the same way as to any other custom post type.

* Core version was updated to version 4.60

* New: Notification box was replaced with one based on the [jpillora/nofifyjs]( jQuery plugin. It does not move down page content. It disappears automatically after 5 seconds. Click on it to remove it manually.

* Fix: "Add capability" shows warning styled notification when needed (invalid characters, etc.) instead of a successful one.

* Fix: Capabilities group uncheck and revert selection is blocked for the administrator role to exclude accident deletion of permissions from administrator role.