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Log Update Item Easy Digital Downloads - All Access
This page only show history update item Easy Digital Downloads - All Access.

Fix: Resolved the pass expiration code exiting early.

Fix: An valid start time that isn't a date/time string could cause a fatal error.

Improvement: Retrieving the customer pass object has been updated to be more efficient.

Fix: Included price variations did not always appear to have saved correctly.

Dev: Unnecessary files have been removed from the final build package.

Improvement: Remove unneeded files from the final build.

Fix: For customers with active subscriptions for a pass, show a message instead of the "Renew Now" button.

Fix: Prevent the default EDD price options form from showing after All Access price options have already output.

Fix: Passes purchased with a subscription were not correctly expiring and being replaced with upcoming passes.

Fix: Downloads with multiple files were not always delivering the correct file.

Fix: Manually creating an order in EDD 3.0 did not automatically generate the customer's pass.

Fix: Enabling the "allow redownload" setting could prevent the initial download being logged for a customer.

Fix: Trashing an order in EDD 3.0 did not remove the pass from the customer's account, although the pass could not be used.

  • New: a setting has been added to allow customers to redownload files without counting against the download limit. This feature requires EDD 3.0.
  • Fix: Customer specific settings were not overriding the default pass settings.
  • Fix: The category selector has been updated for PHP8 compatibility.
  • Fix: The category selector has been updated for PHP8 compatibility.
  • Fix: On sites with many All Access enabled products, some could be excluded from the list of AA products.
  • Fix: If a product is incorrectly configured to include specific price IDs without specifying any, an All Access pass would not work correctly.
  • Fix: A fatal error could occur in outdated PHP versions.

Improvement: Products included in an All Access pass which have no files of their own now show a message instead of the download button.

Fix: The site's list of All Access products is now stored as an option instead of a transient.

  • New: The edd_aa_download_limit shortcode has been registered to allow store owners to easily show customers how many downloads they have remaining, when downloads are limited.
  • Improvement: The logic for checking whether a pass can access a download has been extracted into a class for improved logic and readability.
  • Improvement: A new function, edd_all_access_valid_order_statuses, has been registered.
  • Improvement: The All Access customer details header has been updated to match EDD core.
  • Fix: If the site's list of All Access products was deleted, the list is automatically regenerated.
  • Fix: Passes now grant access to downloads in child categories when the parent category is enabled.
  • Fix: If a pass' status was invalid, it could throw a fatal error when viewing the customer details in the admin.
  • Fix: Commissions styles/scripts are conditionally enqueued.
  • Fix: Accessing a single price All Access product via ajax could throw a PHP notice.
  • Fix: A PHP notice could occur if a payment object could not be retrieved for a pass.
  • Fix: Only show upcoming access periods if the dates can be calculated.
  • Refactor: The AllAccessProduct class has been introduced to consistently retrieve product data.
  • Dev: Refactor how the plugin is loaded and checks system requirements.
  • Dev: Minimum PHP version is 5.6.
  • Dev: A new function has been registered for retrieving the customer metadata for All Access passes.
  • Dev: EDD 3.0 - Partially refunded orders are included in valid order statuses.
  • Dev: EDD 3.0 - Unit tests have been updated for EDD 3.0 compatibility.
  • Dev: EDD 3.0 - Order dates have been updated to be consistent with EDD 3.0.

Dev: Software Licensing integration is compatible with EDD 3.0.

Improvement: The Commissions integration has been improved.

Improvement: The `edd_all_access_get_customer_pass_objects` helper function has been introduced to return the most up to date pass objects for a customer.

Improvement: When instantiating the `EDD_All_Access_Pass` class, the expiration date is now checked automatically.

Fix: Passes which should sync with Recurring Payments now use the subscription expiration instead of replicating calculations.

Fix: Post meta tooltip text now displays correctly.

Fix: Database upgrade stuck in loop.

Fix: Upgrade prompt showing on fresh install.

Fix: Renew Now button could show incorrect pricing.

Fix: Renew Now button could show if selected price option is not currently owned.