Total 01/04/2025 : We HAVE 11318 Items and more than 3524 happy members.
Log Update Item Ultimate Member - MailChimp
This page only show history update item Ultimate Member - MailChimp.

* Added: Hook um_mailchimp_can_sync

* Added: Display a list of newsletters after the member name (for administrators)

* Added: Sanitize connection title on connection update

* Added: Remove fields which use deleted connection on connection delete

* Fixed: Connection roles setting

* Fixed: Double opt-in feature

* Fixed: Error on activation without a core plugin

* Fixed: Don't display field label if empty

* Improved: Internal caching

* Improved: Planned requests are used instead of immediately requests

* Improved: Widget "Testing connection with MailChimp server"

Fixed: Extension settings structure

* Added: Restore the requested user before the contact update if it is lost

* Added: Requests log for users

* Added: Keys into dropdown options in the widget Merge User Meta

* Fixed: BIRTHDAY meta field format

* Fixed: BIRTHDAY meta field value if not valid

* Fixed: Fields in the shortcode [ultimatemember_mailchimp_subscribe]

* Updated: MailChimp wp-admin metabox

* Fixed: Compatibility with core version 2.2.5

* Fixed: Update audience contact if Administrator edit user in the admin area

* Fixed: The multiselect-type field value on bulk syncing