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Log Update Item AdForest - Classified Ads WordPress Theme
This page only show history update item AdForest - Classified Ads WordPress Theme.


1) Upload video in ad post form with on/off option theme options->ad post-> upload video

2) After an ad expires, an email is sent to the creator, and a template is added to the theme options.

3) Filter tags on search with a top bar and search with the map page


1) Map page collapsed mobile view

2) Duplicate phone number users unable to register

3) Email field not functioning user update profile

3) Ad alert not working in elementor pro

4) Coming soon mode page distorted

5) Product category not clickable

6) Category base template was not being translated when posting other than the default language

7) Ad detail page slider without thumbnail

8 ) Related ads list grid view

9) Ad expires ad sold image not showing

10) Trusted user button text on the user profile page

11) Ajax base category load backend shortcode

12) Expired image issue on the Ad Detail page.

13) Rating issue of the user on Ad Detail Page.

14) Scrolling issue was fixed for the search with Map Layout in a Mobile device.

15) Category image issue resolved if the Adforest Apps API option is activated.