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Log Update Item LearnDash LMS Notifications
This page only show history update item LearnDash LMS Notifications.

* Added - Multi triggers/conditions support

* Added - 'learndash_notifications_subscription_page_slug' filter to modify subscriptions page slug

* Fix - Disable course fields when using quiz trigger

* Fix - Send single email instead of multiple for "User hasn't logged in for X days" trigger when multiple courses are involved

* Fix - Reschedule drip lesson when user enroll date changes

* Fix - "User hasn't logged in for X days" trigger correctly sends to users now

* Fix - Prevent "A scheduled lesson is available to user" notifications sending from wrong course

* Fix - Display specified course lessons in notifications page listing column

* Fix - User receives quiz failed notification when quiz not failed

* Fix - Group leaders not receiving emails for groups they are leaders of

* Fix - Allow group URL in notifications shortcodes

* Added AJAX search support on notifications list posts filter

* Added improve LD posts selector logic especially for site with big number of courses, lessons, etc

* Added change post selectors in notification metabox to use select2 and dynamic AJAX options

* Updated update LearnDash strings using LD custom label

* Updated use learndash_quiz_submitted action hook instead of learndash_quiz_completed

* Fixed make sure retrieved group leaders has group leader role

* Fixed before course expires notification is sent before set value

* Fixed Make sure pre selected value is selected on edit screen

* Fixed group selector returns empty result

* Fixed use learndash_emails_send insteand of wp_mail to sync with LD core

* Fixed before and after expiry notification is not sent when user re-enrolls

* Fixed issue when drip lession triggered for all lessions

* Added a filter to switch the notification content to RTL learndash_notifications_email_rtl

* Updated the trigger "user hasn't logged in for X days" to group the emails into one rather than sending out mass separate emails

* Fixed Notification for drip lesson doesn't update the send time if enrollment date gets changed

* Fixed PHP warnings/notices