Total 29/03/2025 : We HAVE 11309 Items and more than 3520 happy members.
Log Update Item Ultimate Member - WooCommerce
This page only show history update item Ultimate Member - WooCommerce.

* Added: An order note when user role is changed. It's good for debugging role changes

* Added: A hook `um_woocommerce_after_member_role_upgrade`

* Fixed: PHP error on action `woocommerce_order_status_failed`

* Fixed: Unwanted user role change on subscription renewal order status change

* Fixed: Removing all roles on action `woocommerce_order_status_refunded`

* Added: WooCommerce custom callbacks to allowed callback options on install

* Added: Ultimate Member register page URL on the checkout page with required registration an logged in user

* Fixed: Hide restriction products when using WooCommerce [products] shortcode

* Fixed: Account > Subscription auto renew toggle, changed template

* Added: "Ignore" option in "Change role" dropdowns for the subscription products

* Fixed: PHP notice for the State field

* Fixed: Settings section key on wp-admin Settings screen

* Fixed: Compatibility with the latest Woocommerce: Subscriptions plugin and Subscriptions tab in the UM Account

* Fixed: AJAX template for subscriptions in the UM Account -> Subscription tab

* Fixed: Select2 and selectWoo JS libraries conflict. Partially via the hook `um_woocommerce_dequeue_selectWoo`

* Added: General setting for getting the "add to cart" button hidden

* Added: Arabic translation. Thanks to Nabil Moqbel (Slack: nabilmoqbel)

* Added: Member directory filters: WC Billing state, WC Shipping state

* Fixed: Avoid using caching when subscription status is changed and we need to change role

* Fixed: Wishlist RTL styles

* Fixed: Displaying order date in account

* Fixed: Enqueue WCFM script in account

* Templates required update:

  - orders.php

* Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade

* Tweak: rewritten Shop and products restriction settings